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Stefan Stangaciu

dr. Stefan Stangaciu

• Occupation or position held: President of “Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International” Ltd.
• Main activities and responsibilities:
*Offering international expertise and consulting in the area of Apitherapy, Apipuncture, Api-Nutrition and Api-Phytotherapy (medicinal use of bee products and medicinal bee plants).

  • PhD Student at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davilla, Bucharest, Romania. Doctorate subject: "Api-phyto-aromatherapy of viral hepatitis C".

  • Japan Association of Apitherapy: Diploma as Apipuncturist.

  • Taiwan Association of ApitherapyDiploma as Apipuncturist.

  • Acupuncture Association of British Columbia, Canada: License as Acupuncturist.

  • Black Sea University – summer courses: Training in theoretical Apitherapy.

  • The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Universitary Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Homeopathy Society of Romania: Pre-License as Homeopath.

  • The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Graduate Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Acupuncture Society of Romania: License as Acupuncturist.

  • Student at the Faculty of General Medicine (military department), Bucharest, Romania, Carol Davilla University: License as Medical Doctor (MD)

Social Skills and Competences

  • President of the German Apitherapy Society (March 13, 1999 – March 2019)

  • President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (since December 08, 2007)

  • Founding President of the Francophone Api-Phytotherapy Society (December 2011-December 2013)

  • Co-Founder of Francophone Apitherapy Society (March 07, 2008); Vice-President & Formator and Medical Coordinator (2008 2012);

  • Co-Founder of “Bees For Life”.

  • General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy (since March 20, 2012).

  • Member of the American Apitherapy Society (1991-1999); Board Member and webmaster from 1999 to 2001.

  • Vice-President of World Propolis Science Forum

  • Advisor for Nippon Apitherapy Society

  • Trainer for the Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

  • Apitherapy Discussions E-mail Lists Moderator (in English, German, Spanish-Portuguese, French and Romanian) in Google Groups

  • Creator and Moderator of various Apitherapy Whatsapp groups (in English, German, French and Romanian languages)

  • Owner and webmaster of

Has given lectures, courses and has organized or co-organized apitherapy events in over 50 countries.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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